Most of use have a lot of ’stuff’ in our lives - from furniture to fashion. We’re all becoming much more aware of how the creation, use and disposal of these items can impact the people who make them, our planet and even ourselves. This podcast will share Interviews with amazing people who have made it their life goals to make a difference - creating businesses, campaigns and writing books to help us understand these impacts and make better choices going forward. Host Jo Salter, social entrepreneur and founder of ethical clothing business Where Does It Come From?, encourages them to tell their story so they can inspire us with the challenges they’ve faced, the impact they’ve had and their big why. Intro music - rushing deadlines by dylan-darby (from Pixabay) #greenliving #ethicalliving #green #ecofriendly #climatecrisis #ethicalbusiness #sustainability #ethicalfashion www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Think of Gandhi and he is likely to be wearing his simple white robe. This was khadi - a traditional handspun fabric traditional to India and promoted by Gandhi as part of his movement.
Where Does It Come From? is proud to have supplied fabrics for the current production of 'The Father and The Assassin' by Anupama Chandrasekhar, a play about Gandhi's assassination, which is showing at London's National Theatre. The production team were passionate about authenticity and so the cast wore khadi.
In this podcast episode Jo Salter talks with Paul Bazely and Asha Buch. Paul plays Mahatma Gandhi in 'The Father and The Assasin' and, as part of the role, he spins cotton. Asha Buch, an educationalist and spinner, taught Paul how to spin cotton into thread just as Gandhi would have done it.
The conversation ranges from the theatre production and being Gandhi, the khadi fabric and how Gandhi's thinking applies just as much, if not more, today as when he was alive.
Links mentioned in the discussion:
The Father and The Assassin (National Theatre) - https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/shows/the-father-and-the-assassin
Where Does It Come From? - https://wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk/
Khadi London - https://khadi.london
Metta Centre - https://www.mettacenter.org/
Mahatma Gandhi information - https://www.mkgandhi.org/
#mahatmagandhi #gandhi #khadi #nationaltheatre #sustainablefashion #regenerative #fairtrade #naturalfabric #handwoven #organiccotton

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Episode 21 - Becoming a B Corp with Sarah Jordan of Y.O.U Underwear
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
B Corp is a growing movement of businesses that are certified to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. There are now over 4900 B Corps in 79 countries.
But what is a B Corp and why go through the rigorous process to be accredited as one?
In this episode of the Where Does It Come From? podcast host Jo Salter chats with Sarah Jordan. Sarah is the founder and CEO of Y.O.U Underwear, a brand that aims to change the world one pair of pants at a time. For every piece of underwear bought, Y.O.U underwear donates a pair of pants to someone who needs them, ensuring girls don't miss out on education and society.
Sarah talks us through the process of becoming a B Corp and explains what it means for Y.O.U Underwear.
More about B Corps: https://bcorporation.uk/
Y.O.U Underwear: https://www.youunderwear.com/
Where Does It Come From? : https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk
#bcorp #businesstodogood #socialenterprise #fairtrade #transparency

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
We know that we are now in a 'code red' for humanity. Reducing carbon outputs is a vital part of our strategy to tackle the climate emergency.
Carbon offsetting is way that businesses, governments and individuals can pay a contribution to an environmental project to make up for carbon that they are generating. For example paying to plant a tree to offset the carbon generated by a flight.
But does offsetting really help us reduce carbon overall or it just a way to hide from the issue?
In this episode our podcast host Jo Salter, founder and CEO of clothing and textiles social enterprise Where Does It Come From? talks with Will Richardson and Jarvis Smith.
Will Richardson founded Green Element in 2004 and Compare Your Footprint in 2015, with a desire to help as many businesses as possible go ‘green’. A pioneer and early adopter of many now-mandatory environmental standards, his visionary approach and inspiring leadership is exemplary. He is also a current board member and Chairman of the British Kitesports Association; the NGB for kitesports. Will runs his own podcast which is constantly featured in the top of the eco podcast lists.
Jarvis Smith is a proud hippie, mystic, self-confessed tree-hugger and radical eco-warrior - he's also a thought leader, entrepreneur, speaker and renowned online retail businessman. His first magazine GREEN was published with National Geographic from 2008, which then moved to The Guardian in 2010, evolving into the My Green Pod magazine from 2013. Co-produced with wife Katie Hill, it is now the world’s biggest ethical lifestyle magazine. Jarvis launched the P.E.A. (People Environment Achievement) Awards which, in its 11th year, is the UK’s leading sustainability awards and honours individuals and teams for their contribution towards sustainability. Jarvis and wife Katie also run the My Green Podcast with Jo Wood.
Compare Your Footprint - https://www.compareyourfootprint.com/
Green Element - https://www.greenelement.co.uk/
My Green Pod - https://www.mygreenpod.com/
The P.E.A Awards - https://www.peaawards.com/
Fit for the Future - https://fftf.org.uk/about
Where Does It Come From? - https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Energy Prices in the UK are rising dramatically - the energy price cap in the UK will rise 54% from April - and many people are anxious. At the same time we are aware of the impacts of fossil fuels on our planet and are working for less reliance on coal and natural gas.
In this episode of the Where Does It Come From? podcast, Jo Salter asks energy expert John Taylor some key questions about why energy bills are rising, how renewable energy fits in to the picture and what steps we can be taking to cut our fuel bills.
Here are some links mentioned in the discussion -
If you need help to pay for home improvements that will reduce your bills check out:
Green Homes Grant Scheme Application Form (est.org.uk)
Home owners can get up to £10k grant for insulation, solar panels or a heat pump.
Landlords can get up to £5k on behalf of their tenants.
If you need advice visit:
Energy advice for your home - Energy Saving Trust
If you can afford it and want to go further consider these:
Group buying schemes for solar panels Group-buying for solar | Solar Together
Buy part of a wind farm Ripple Energy | Join Ripple
Twitter: You can follow John Taylor at @CoppiceJT and Jo Salter at @salter_jo
Find out more about Where Does It Come From? at https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Episode 18 Plastic Free Manningtree - Community Activism with Bekki Bibko
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
We hear a great deal about the actions we can take as individuals and the changes required from government and big business - both vital if we are going to combat the climate emergency. We also have vital roles to play as local communities, both to make our communities better and to contribute to wider change.
Manningtree in Essex recently earned 'Plastic Free Town' accreditation from Surfers Against Sewage. This was down to community effort and instigated by Bekki Bibko. As a founder member of Manningtrees community activism group PACE, Bekki co-ordinated the effort required to gain the accreditation, earning herself the Community Engagement Award from Manningtree Town Council.
A teacher and special needs advisor, Bekki wants to see grassroots community groups being established everywhere to make change at a local level, which will drive change at the national and even international level.
Could your town be a 'Plastic Free Town'? Listen to Bekki's story to find out how to make it happen!
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PACEManningtree/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pacemanningtree/
Website - https://www.pacemanningtree.co.uk/
Plastic Free Manningtree, Mistley & Lawford
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/plasticfreemml
Press coverage - https://www.gazette-news.co.uk/news/19790569.manningtree-recognised-plastic-free-community/
Surfers Against Sewage - https://www.sas.org.uk/
Plastic Free Communities - https://plasticfree.org.uk/
How to sign up your business - https://plasticfree.org.uk/get-involved/business/
Where Does It Come From? - https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Episode 17 - Journalism to Support Change with Georgina Wilson-Powell
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Media reporting on greener living and the climate emergency can sometimes seem like it's painting a gloomy picture, trivialising or even ignoring the issues altogether. With awareness growing many readers are looking for clear information and guidance.
In this podcast episode, Where Does It Come From? social enterprise founder Jo Salter chats with Georgina Wilson-Powell, author and founder of Pebble Magazine. After 16 years as a journalist, Georgina Wilson-Powell set up Pebble Magazine in 2016 as a complete sustainable living publication. This is now the UK's leading sustainable living digital Magazine. Alongside sits the free online Ripples Community for planet friendly people.
Georgina is also the author of 'Is It Really Green: Everyday Eco Dilemmas Answered' and the 'Eco Conscious Travel Guide' (out in March 2022).
In this episode Jo and Georgina recap on 2021 and discuss the trends we can expect in 2022 and how we can all get involved in climate action in ways that are positive and right for us as individuals.
Pebble Magazine - https://pebblemag.com/
Ripples Community - https://pebble.mn.co/https:/
Books by Georgina Wilson-Powell:
1. Is It Really Green: Everyday Eco Dilemmas Answered
2. Eco Conscious Travel Guide (out in March 2022).
You can also subscribe to pebble's weekly positive news.
Where Does It Come From? ethical textiles business - https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Episode 16 - Shopping for Preloved Fashion with Elene Marsden
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Second hand doesn't mean second best.
Preloved fashion has had a makeover and there's a growing audience who are finding bargains, their own individual style AND saving the planet through wearing clothes that used to be owned by other people.
Elene Marsden, known as the Preloved Chica, is a preloved shopping enthusiast and influencer. She'll take you out charity shopping and advise you on process and style. She's active on social media, gives talks and runs a radio show on Ipswich Community Radio.
Listen in to get excited about preloved fashion and for some hints and tips!
Elene on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prelovedchica/
Elene on the radio: https://www.icrfm.com/show/preloved-chica-time-capsule/
Where Does It Come From? https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk
#secondhand #preloved #ethicalfashion #charityshops

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Episode 15 - Green Politics and Activism with Rachel Smith-Lyte
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
COP26, the conference hoping to bring the world together to fight the climate emergency, is now over.
Media attention has led to a growing awareness of the danger that faces us, although some are still blissfully ignorant. But there are many people who've been focused on 'green issues' for decades - researching, campaigning and now actively protesting - calling for leadership and the changes that need to happen if we are going to protect life on our planet.
In this episode Where Does It Come From? founder Jo Salter chats with Rachel Smith-Lyte. A long-time eco-activist with Greenpeace and later Extinction Rebellion, Rachel realised that with the looming climate and biodiversity crisis, she needed to get involved politically. She joined the Green Party in 2011 and has stood three times in local elections, including in the 2015 General Election where she gained 6% of the vote share (thus retaining the deposit for the first time). In May 2019 Rachel secured her first seat on the new East Suffolk Council – the first Green to be elected in the old Suffolk Coastal district.
As an activist Rachel attended COP26 and has taken part in Extinction Rebellion protests.
The Green Party - https://vote.greenparty.org.uk/
Extinction Rebellion - https://extinctionrebellion.uk/
The People versus Climate Change (on iplayer) - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p097sbzc
Extinction Rebellion East of England - https://xreoe.earth/events
Where Does It Come From? - https://www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Episode 14 - Live from COP26 with Will Saunders
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Are you on top of what's happening at COP26?
It's a rollercoaster ride - highs, lows, achievements, concerns.
This episode of the Where Does It Come From? podcast is coming live from Glasgow, with Where Does It Come From?'s Jo Salter chatting with Will Saunders who is at COP26 representing the organisation Scientists Warning Europe.
Will is Founder & Creative Director at Good Will Studios with 15 years of designing, building brands, and visual storytelling. He’s at COP26 representing Scientists Warning Europe a charity calling for science-endorsed action at COP26 and beyond.
There were a few wifi issues at the very start of the recording. To see an unedited video of the discussion please visit (and subscribe to) our youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUXM5kflEMW4uvrw3YcXjTg
Scientists Warning Europe:
https://www.scientistswarningeurope.org.uk/signature https://www.scientistswarningeurope.org.uk/voices
Good Will Studios:

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
We hear a lot about 'greenwashing' but what can we do about it?
As citizens and consumers we can all play a role, big or small, in holding companies and leaders to account for the green claims that they are making.
This episode is a conversation recorded for Ethical Consumer Week on 21st October 2021. Hosted by Ethicalhour's Sian Conway-Wood and with guests Georgina Wilson-Powell of Pebble Magazine and Where Does It Come From?'s Jo Salter, the conversation covers a range of subjects along with actions we can all take.
As we approach COP26 there's more need than ever to ensure that the information we're being given is accurate. If it's not then we need to act - from simply keeping up to date with events and asking questions to calling out those who are being economical with the truth and misleading the public.
Here are links mentioned in the discussion:
Ethical Consumer Magazine - www.ethicalconsumer.org
Pebble Magazine - www.pebblemag.com
Ethicalhour - www.ethicalhour.co.uk
Where Does It Come From? - www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk
HM Government's new legislation on greenwashing - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/greenwashing-cma-puts-businesses-on-notice
Advertising Standards Authority - https://www.asa.org.uk/